Java 反射机制学习记录
反射(Reflection)是Java 程序开发语言的特征之一,它允许运行中的 Java 程序获取自身的信息,并且可以操作类或对象的内部属性。 通俗一点:在动态运行时,获取到一个类的所有方法以及成员。简而言之,通过反射,我们可以在运行时获得程序或程序集中每一个类型的成员和成员的信息。
增加代码的灵活性。很多主流框架都使用了反射技术.像ssh框架都采用两种技术 xml做配置文件+反射技术.
反射相关的类一般都在java.lang.relfect 包里。
获取Class对象 3种方法
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public static Class<?> forName(String className) //在JDBC开发中常用此方法加载数据库驱动: Class.forName(driver);
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Class<?> klass = int.class; Class<?> classInt = Integer.TYPE;
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StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("123"); Class<?> klass = str.getClass();
一般使用instanceof来判断,也可以借助反射中的Class对象的isInstance()方法来判断 是一个Native方法:
public native boolean isInstance(Object obj);
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Class<?> c = String.class; Object str = c.newInstance();
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//获取String所对应的Class对象 Class<?> c = String.class; //获取String类带一个String参数的构造器 Constructor constructor = c.getConstructor(String.class); //根据构造器创建实例 Object obj = constructor.newInstance("23333"); System.out.println(obj);
public Method[] getDeclaredMethods() throws SecurityException
public Method[] getMethods() throws SecurityException
public Method getMethod(String name, Class<?>... parameterTypes)
public T newInstance(Object ... initargs)
: 访问公有的成员变量getDeclaredField
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public Object invoke(Object obj, Object... args) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException
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public class test1 { public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException { Class<?> klass = methodClass.class; //创建methodClass的实例 Object obj = klass.newInstance(); //获取methodClass类的add方法 Method method = klass.getMethod("add",int.class,int.class); //调用method对应的方法 => add(1,4) Object result = method.invoke(obj,1,4); System.out.println(result); } } class methodClass { public final int fuck = 3; public int add(int a,int b) { return a+b; } public int sub(int a,int b) { return a+b; } }
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public static void testArray() throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<?> cls = Class.forName("java.lang.String"); Object array = Array.newInstance(cls,25); //通过Array.newInstance() //往数组里添加内容 Array.set(array,0,"hello"); //Array类为java.lang.reflect.Array Array.set(array,1,"Java"); Array.set(array,2,"fuck"); Array.set(array,3,"Scala"); Array.set(array,4,"Clojure"); //获取某一项的内容 System.out.println(Array.get(array,3)); }
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public static Object newInstance(Class<?> componentType, int length) throws NegativeArraySizeException { return newArray(componentType, length); }
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private static native Object newArray(Class<?> componentType, int length) throws NegativeArraySizeException;
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arrayOop Reflection::reflect_new_array(oop element_mirror, jint length, TRAPS) { if (element_mirror == NULL) { THROW_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException()); } if (length < 0) { THROW_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_NegativeArraySizeException()); } if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(element_mirror)) { Klass* tak = basic_type_mirror_to_arrayklass(element_mirror, CHECK_NULL); return TypeArrayKlass::cast(tak)->allocate(length, THREAD); } else { Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(element_mirror); if (k->oop_is_array() && ArrayKlass::cast(k)->dimension() >= MAX_DIM) { THROW_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException()); } return oopFactory::new_objArray(k, length, THREAD); } }
Array类的set()和get()方法都为Native方法,在HotSpot JVM里分别对应Reflection::array_set和Reflection::array_get方法
getGenericHelper(HashMap<String, Person> map)
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public static void getGenericType() { try { Method method =TestHelper.class.getDeclaredMethod("getGenericHelper",HashMap.class); Type[] genericParameterTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes(); // 检验是否为空 if (null == genericParameterTypes || genericParameterTypes.length < 1) { return ; } // 取 getGenericHelper 方法的第一个参数 ParameterizedType parameterizedType=(ParameterizedType)genericParameterTypes[0]; Type rawType = parameterizedType.getRawType(); System.out.println("----> rawType=" + rawType); Type[] actualTypeArguments = parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments(); if (actualTypeArguments==genericParameterTypes || actualTypeArguments.length<1) { return ; } // 打印出每一个类型 for (int i = 0; i < actualTypeArguments.length; i++) { Type type = actualTypeArguments[i]; System.out.println("----> type=" + type); } } catch (Exception e) { } }
获得 Metho,Field,Constructor 的访问权限
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int modifiers = method.getModifiers(); Modifier.toString(modifiers);
首先检查AccessibleObject的override属性的值 。AccessibleObject 类是 Field、Method 和 Constructor 对象的基类 。override 默认为false,调试需要权限调用规则,反正不需要。
默认情况下首先用Reflection.quickCheckMemberAccess(clazz, modifiers)方法检查方法是否为public,如果是的话跳出本步;如果不是public方法,那么用Reflection.getCallerClass()方法获取调用这个方法的Class对象,这是一个native方法:
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@CallerSensitive public static native Class<?> getCallerClass();
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JNIEXPORT jclass JNICALL Java_sun_reflect_Reflection_getCallerClass__ (JNIEnv *env, jclass unused) { return JVM_GetCallerClass(env, JVM_CALLER_DEPTH); }
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JVM_ENTRY(jclass, JVM_GetCallerClass(JNIEnv* env, int depth)) JVMWrapper("JVM_GetCallerClass"); // Pre-JDK 8 and early builds of JDK 8 don't have a CallerSensitive annotation; or // sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass with a depth parameter is provided // temporarily for existing code to use until a replacement API is defined. if (SystemDictionary::reflect_CallerSensitive_klass() == NULL || depth != JVM_CALLER_DEPTH) { Klass* k = thread->security_get_caller_class(depth); return (k == NULL) ? NULL : (jclass) JNIHandles::make_local(env, k->java_mirror()); } // Getting the class of the caller frame. // // The call stack at this point looks something like this: // // [0] [ @CallerSensitive public sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass ] // [1] [ @CallerSensitive API.method ] // [.] [ (skipped intermediate frames) ] // [n] [ caller ] vframeStream vfst(thread); // Cf. LibraryCallKit::inline_native_Reflection_getCallerClass for (int n = 0; !vfst.at_end(); vfst.security_next(), n++) { Method* m = vfst.method(); assert(m != NULL, "sanity"); switch (n) { case 0: // This must only be called from Reflection.getCallerClass if (m->intrinsic_id() != vmIntrinsics::_getCallerClass) { THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "JVM_GetCallerClass must only be called from Reflection.getCallerClass"); } // fall-through case 1: // Frame 0 and 1 must be caller sensitive. if (!m->caller_sensitive()) { THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), err_msg("CallerSensitive annotation expected at frame %d", n)); } break; default: if (!m->is_ignored_by_security_stack_walk()) { // We have reached the desired frame; return the holder class. return (jclass) JNIHandles::make_local(env, m->method_holder()->java_mirror()); } break; } } return NULL; JVM_END
获取了这个Class对象caller后用checkAccess方法做一次快速的权限校验 :
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volatile Object securityCheckCache; void checkAccess(Class<?> caller, Class<?> clazz, Object obj, int modifiers) throws IllegalAccessException { if (caller == clazz) { // 快速校验 return; // 权限通过校验 } Object cache = securityCheckCache; // read volatile Class<?> targetClass = clazz; if (obj != null && Modifier.isProtected(modifiers) && ((targetClass = obj.getClass()) != clazz)) { // Must match a 2-list of { caller, targetClass }. if (cache instanceof Class[]) { Class<?>[] cache2 = (Class<?>[]) cache; if (cache2[1] == targetClass && cache2[0] == caller) { return; // ACCESS IS OK } // (Test cache[1] first since range check for [1] // subsumes range check for [0].) } } else if (cache == caller) { // Non-protected case (or obj.class == this.clazz). return; // ACCESS IS OK } // If no return, fall through to the slow path. slowCheckMemberAccess(caller, clazz, obj, modifiers, targetClass); }
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// Keep all this slow stuff out of line: void slowCheckMemberAccess(Class<?> caller, Class<?> clazz, Object obj, int modifiers, Class<?> targetClass) throws IllegalAccessException { Reflection.ensureMemberAccess(caller, clazz, obj, modifiers); // Success: Update the cache. Object cache = ((targetClass == clazz) ? caller : new Class<?>[] { caller, targetClass }); // Note: The two cache elements are not volatile, // but they are effectively final. The Java memory model // guarantees that the initializing stores for the cache // elements will occur before the volatile write. securityCheckCache = cache; // write volatile }
由sun.reflect.MethodAccessor 处理
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/** This interface provides the declaration for java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(). Each Method object is configured with a (possibly dynamically-generated) class which implements this interface. */ public interface MethodAccessor { //是一个接口 /** Matches specification in {@link java.lang.reflect.Method} */ public Object invoke(Object obj, Object[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException; }
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// Reflection factory used by subclasses for creating field, // method, and constructor accessors. Note that this is called // very early in the bootstrapping process. static final ReflectionFactory reflectionFactory = AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory.GetReflectionFactoryAction());
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public class ReflectionFactory { private static boolean initted = false; private static Permission reflectionFactoryAccessPerm = new RuntimePermission("reflectionFactoryAccess"); private static ReflectionFactory soleInstance = new ReflectionFactory(); // Provides access to package-private mechanisms in java.lang.reflect private static volatile LangReflectAccess langReflectAccess; // 这里设计得非常巧妙 // "Inflation" mechanism. Loading bytecodes to implement // Method.invoke() and Constructor.newInstance() currently costs // 3-4x more than an invocation via native code for the first // invocation (though subsequent invocations have been benchmarked // to be over 20x faster). Unfortunately this cost increases // startup time for certain applications that use reflection // intensively (but only once per class) to bootstrap themselves. // To avoid this penalty we reuse the existing JVM entry points // for the first few invocations of Methods and Constructors and // then switch to the bytecode-based implementations. // // Package-private to be accessible to NativeMethodAccessorImpl // and NativeConstructorAccessorImpl private static boolean noInflation = false; private static int inflationThreshold = 15; //...... //这是生成MethodAccessor的方法 public MethodAccessor newMethodAccessor(Method method) { checkInitted(); if (noInflation && !ReflectUtil.isVMAnonymousClass(method.getDeclaringClass())) { return new MethodAccessorGenerator(). generateMethod(method.getDeclaringClass(), method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes(), method.getReturnType(), method.getExceptionTypes(), method.getModifiers()); } else { NativeMethodAccessorImpl acc = new NativeMethodAccessorImpl(method); DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl res = new DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl(acc); acc.setParent(res); return res; } } //...... /** We have to defer full initialization of this class until after the static initializer is run since java.lang.reflect.Method's static initializer (more properly, that for java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject) causes this class's to be run, before the system properties are set up. */ private static void checkInitted() { if (initted) return; AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<Void>() { public Void run() { // Tests to ensure the system properties table is fully // initialized. This is needed because reflection code is // called very early in the initialization process (before // command-line arguments have been parsed and therefore // these user-settable properties installed.) We assume that // if System.out is non-null then the System class has been // fully initialized and that the bulk of the startup code // has been run. if (System.out == null) { // java.lang.System not yet fully initialized return null; } String val = System.getProperty("sun.reflect.noInflation"); if (val != null && val.equals("true")) { noInflation = true; } val = System.getProperty("sun.reflect.inflationThreshold"); if (val != null) { try { inflationThreshold = Integer.parseInt(val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to parse property sun.reflect.inflationThreshold", e); } } initted = true; return null; } }); } }
MethodAccessor实现有两个版本,一个是Java版本,一个是native版本 。
为了尽可能地减少性能损耗,HotSpot JDK采用“inflation”的技巧:让Java方法在被反射调用时,开头若干次使用native版,等反射调用次数超过阈值时则生成一个专用的MethodAccessor实现类,生成其中的invoke()方法的字节码,以后对该Java方法的反射调用就会使用Java版本。 这项优化是从JDK 1.4开始的。
invoke0方法是一个native方法,它在HotSpot JVM里调用JVM_InvokeMethod函数:
openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/reflection.cpp :
Java版MethodAccessor的生成使用MethodAccessorGenerator实现 下面是开头的注释: